2014 MCLP Alumni Award Recipient – Tim Golliday

Tim Golliday is a quiet man of action and little words. Tim has no interest in being recognized for his efforts, often choosing the supportive role that ensures things get done and people grow.

Tim applied for the Multicultural Leadership Program because he wanted to become a better leader. When he graduated in 2012, Tim said, “It was truly a transformative leadership journey.” Now, having tested his strengths and values during MCLP, Tim’s focus is working with teams who can make a major impact on the world. Tim is deliberate about the organizations he joins and the roles he chooses. He knows great change happens one day at a time and one choice at a time.

Sometimes life’s challenges can cause a person to become negative. Tim’s challenges made him more determined than ever to be positive, to help others rise above their challenges and to add the maximum value to his community. Tim is seen as a valuable mentor and friend by many. He was part of an MCLP team that worked with the Ecology Action Center (EAC) to diversify the organization’s outreach and increase recycling awareness in Bloomington neighborhoods. He is now an EAC board member because believes in its mission. Tim was instrumental in establishing the annual We Care Twin Cities Half Marathon, led by EAC to benefit many not-for-profit organizations in this community. He is active with Home Sweet Home Ministries, teaching whatever topic is needed for the clients of HSHM. Tim continues to lead and serve as an event chair for MCLP.

Tim works at COUNTRY Financial where he is known as a man who is organized, on-time and focused.He expects others to be the same. Yet, Tim is also always ready to listen, to help, and to provide positive encouragement to a co-worker.

Tim is married to his best friend and best supporter, Cindy Golliday.