MCLP 2014 Community Service Award Recipients – Hank and Mary Campbell

Hank and Mary Campbell have a life-long legacy of servant leadership to Illinois State University, their local community, and beyond. Leading lives of genuine commitment to community service, Hank and Mary have been true role models—fostering respect and community partnership in response to the needs of the underserved. Both are retired from ISU—Hank taught in Industrial Technology, Mary in Social Work—leaving a multitude of graduates whom they guided and inspired. Both regularly involved their students and peers in community activities, providing first-hand experience bridging the “town-gown” divide and resourcefully addressing day-to-day human needs.

Hank and Mary frequently spearheaded new programs with lasting impact. Hank established the “Global Vision and Problem Solving Scholarship”at ISU, and has used his construction skills to direct 18 ISU/IWU Habitat for Humanity Collegiate houses,volunteers for Bloomington’s West Side Tool Library and many Rotarian activities. Mary helped develop Labyrinth Outreach Services to Women, aprogram aiding women returning from prison. She also helped establish the Baby Fold’s Intact Family Services Program and the Pass It On effort—which gathersclothing, non-perishable food and other items from ISU students at semester’s end for community redistribution—and volunteers as a Master Naturalist. 

Together, this couple has made an extraordinary difference in their community and the lives of so many they have touched.